Monday, September 22, 2008

Manulife May Purchase AIG

With American International Group now in tatters, insurers around the world are poised to bid on parts of the troubled company, including Manulife Financial.

While Dominic D'Alessandro, the company's CEO, isn't talking, it's reported that he met with financial advisors last week to discuss how to take advantage of AIG's likely dismantling.

If Manulife buys AIG, or at least large chunks of it, the insurance company would find itself on top of the global financial services industry.

It makes sense for Manulife to scoop up AIG, as it's one financial institution that wasn't affected by the worst of the credit crunch. With its business still strong, and a market value of $52 billion, the company is a in a good position to swoop in and purchase damaged American businesses.

While the insurance industry landscape could change significantly if Manulife purchases AIG, the American banking industry is almost unrecognizable today from where it was just a week ago.

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